Lyre Harp: a quadrille

I wrote my poem, LYRE HARP, for the first d’Verse Poets Quadrille Monday in 2024. The hostess, Melissa Lemay, for this poetry prompt, asks us to write a poem with a form of the word Lagoon in it.

Quadrille? Just in case you’re wondering and thinking, it’s a dance. In this case, quadrille is a d’Versian poem of an exact number count of only 44 words. The poem is to include one word given by the bartender, which today is Melissa. The specified word is lagoon.

Lesley lives in the City of London Square Mile. An artist, actor and sculptor (her first ceramic sculpture won the V&A inspired by… Award). Scenic artist & book illustrator, playwright, (her musical play, Rapscallion performed in inner city schools and theatre school); TV dancer; Animator and illustrator for TV production. Set up Pinecone Studios Ltd and IIMSI Ltd drama and filmmaking workshops in London – producing award-winning films made by children.

43 responses to “Lyre Harp: a quadrille”

  1. Lesley, this is a delightful dance of words within the word limit. The imagery of playing the lyre harp at high noon and lazing beneath your hat by the old lagoon is evocative and charming. Cheers to your lagoonish creation!


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  2. Lesley, I’m late to reading Qs at the poets pub. What a delight to get to yours. Not only a lovely drawing but a video of how you did it, and a soundblurb of how it sounds. Your poem is a delight to read out loud and such a friendliness to it.

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