Gloves! A Corgi’s Tale: a free verse poem

Lesley lives in the City of London Square Mile. An artist, actor and sculptor (her first ceramic sculpture won the V&A inspired by… Award). Scenic artist & book illustrator, playwright (her musical play, Rapscallion performed in inner city schools and theatre school); TV dancer; Animator and illustrator for TV production. Set up Pinecone Studios Ltd and IIMSI Ltd drama and filmmaking workshops in London – producing award-winning films made by children.

25 responses to “Gloves! A Corgi’s Tale: a free verse poem”

  1. Hahaha…I have a corgi grandpuppy who thankfully hasn’t stolen any gloves, yet! That prize for naughty behaviour goes to my lab/border collie when she was about one years old. We had just let her out of the car when she dashed up to an elderly lady walking by our house and stole a mitten right off her hand, which was followed by a game of chase. Thankfully, we got it back intact and the lady was very understanding as she had labs growing up. Of course, we were mortified. Thanks for the memory!!

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