The Little Yellow Flower and the Bumblebee: a free verse poem

The Little Yellow Flower | Digital ink and watercolour©️Lesley Scoble
The Bumblebee | Digital ink and Watercolour©️Lesley Scoble

I wrote my poem The Little Yellow Flower and the Bumblebee in response to this week’s W3 Poetry Prompt #97. Jane Aguilar is the Poet of the Week and invites us to write a poem of three stanzas inspired by the phrase ‘A Wilted Flower’. Rhyming: optional.

My thanks to Jane for her inspiring prompt, and my thanks as always to David, The Skeptics Kaddish.

Lesley lives in the City of London Square Mile. An artist, actor and sculptor (her first ceramic sculpture won the V&A inspired by… Award). Scenic artist & book illustrator, playwright (her musical play, Rapscallion performed in inner city schools and theatre school); TV dancer; Animator and illustrator for TV production. Set up Pinecone Studios Ltd and IIMSI Ltd drama and filmmaking workshops in London – producing award-winning films made by children.

30 responses to “The Little Yellow Flower and the Bumblebee: a free verse poem”

  1. Oh Lesley, this almost reduced me to tears. I love dandelions and hate it when people call them weeds. I would far rather have a lawn full of daisies and dandelions than a bland green patch of stripes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Each spring I follow No Mow May so the dandelions can thrive and be a first food for the bees. I’m sure my neighbours are horrified, but I don’t care.
    A brilliant poem. I adore your drawing of the bee.

    Liked by 1 person

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